Chris G. Koutures, MD, FAAP Pediatric and sports medicine specialist

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USA Volleyball Mens/Womens National Teams
CS Fullerton Intercollegiate Athletics
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Orange County Physician Of Excellence, 2015 and 2016


Filtering by Tag: fluid choices for young athletes

Top Nutrition Concerns Seen in Adolescent Sports Medicine

Trying to figure if your young athlete needs iron to boost performance?

Uncertain if water or sports drinks would be be the best choice for the next practice or game?

Looking for healthy post-game snacks that will assist in muscle recovery?

Hearing a lot about protein and creatine supplements but not sure if adolescent athletes should use them?

You've come to the right place for practical answers to these and many other nutrition questions that I regularly hear in my sports medicine practice.

In appreciation of CHOC Children's Hospital inviting me to speak on Top Sports Nutrition Concerns Seen in Adolescent Sports Medicine first at their RDs in Practice – Pediatric Sports Nutrition conference and following up with a Pediatric Grand Rounds on the same subject,  figured I would compile a list of past blog posts that will form the backbone of those presentations.

Click on the above links to view the relevant post.

Eager to hear of any additional nutrition or other sports medicine based questions- will offer initial responses via email but always available for office consultations and more in-depth recommendations

Dr. Koutures Posts on Youth Soccer USA-

Thanks to for the opportunity to share articles on soccer-specific sports medicine and nutrition topics. Check out their website for many interesting posts on youth soccer, and don't miss my first piece on Sports Drinks vs. Water: Which is the Best Choice for Young Athletes?

5 Tips to Improve Recovery with Short Rest Periods Between Games or Practices

Dealing with double-day practice sessions, multi-event competitions over a weekend, or a quick turn-around from an evening event to the next morning practice? 

What are some sensible tips for young athletes to replenish energy, reduce post-exercise soreness, and be best prepared for that next practice or game?

1) Get that post work-out protein

Protein is the building block of muscle tissue, and the first 30 minutes after exercise is an ideal time for protein intake to allow muscle repair and growth. A good rough suggestion is 30 grams of protein mixed in with some carbohydrate to increase the protein absorption. Good tasting, easily accessible and rather inexpensive suggestions include a glass of chocolate milk, a container of Greek yogurt, or a large serving of peanut butter.

Click here for more info on the virtues of chocolate milk

2) Don't miss out on necessary fluids

Being under-hydrated after exercise can be a major set-up for poor performance in the next workout or game. Ideally, any fluid losses from exercise should be fully replaced, and one easy way to monitor is to do pre and post-exercise weights. Young athletes should return to their pre-practice weight before the next exercise session. 

For suggestions on fluid choice (water vs. sports drinks), click here.

3) Berries and Cherries can attack muscle soreness

Either immediate or delayed post-exercise soreness can put a damper on future sport activity. Good studies have shown that berries, cherries and even tart cherry juice have natural anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce muscle soreness with far fewer potential side-effects than both over-the-counter and prescription anti-inflammatory medications. Not only do those fruits taste much better than medications, they also provide important fluid and salt sources.

For more on tart cherry juice, click here

4) Best time to stretch is after activity

Many of us adult-types were taught that stretching before exercise was best. That though is definitely old-school and been replaced with recommendations for after exercise, when the muscles are warmed up and more able to benefit from stretching. Now, probably the last thing anyone wants to do after a hard game or practice is to take the time to stretch, but those valuable efforts that take only a few minutes can prepare muscles to better handle upcoming demands.

5) Ice Bath Challenge?

Many athletes seek out a cold water tub for their lower legs or even their entire body (below the head) to reduce soreness and help foster elimination of muscle waste products after exercise. The evidence in support of ice baths is mixed- so probably a situation where some athletes will find benefit, while others will not. 

Do you have any other recommendations for assisting in post-workout recovery to better prepare for the next practice or game?